Free Hugs Campaign. Inspiring Story! (music by sick puppies)
Need A Hug today ?
Does anyone give you a hug today ?
Hugs do mean a lot to us...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Learn How To Be Entrepeneur From Donald Trump !
If you know who is Donald J. Trump and would like to know more about him, then check on his blog : The Trump Blog. This is not just his personal blog but also includes lots of articles written by professors or entrepeneur from Trump University. Trump University is launched by Donald Trump in year 2005 as a business education company.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My Cookery Stuff
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Making Money Online
How to generate money from your website ? Is it possible ? The answer is 'YES'. Whether it is your blog, business website or others, you can utilize it and generate substantial of income without any cost involvement. If you spend most of your time online, you should take advantage of this money making opporturnity. But it need a lot of effort and study to see the result. So 'PATIENT' is the keyword here.
There are lots of sites offered 'FREE' program and all you have to do is :
1) Signup
2) Increase your site traffic
And watch your money grow !
As I mentioned earlier, 'PATIENT' is the keywords. Spend some time reading through those experienced money maker and learn from them. I have spent most of my time looking for ways on how to increase my site traffic. Submiting your site url to blog directory is one of the many ways. Using blog surfing program such as BlogMad, BlogExplosion and I just hope that someone will read my blog.
There are quite a number of affiliate program and advertising program that you can join.
When you introduce someone to certain service or products or program through your site, you can earn some commision from the program. This is called affiliate program. By selling out your site space for advertising purpose, you can earn some money as well.
Below are some of the program you can work on :
Text Link Ads
Google Adsense
There are lots of sites offered 'FREE' program and all you have to do is :
1) Signup
2) Increase your site traffic
And watch your money grow !
As I mentioned earlier, 'PATIENT' is the keywords. Spend some time reading through those experienced money maker and learn from them. I have spent most of my time looking for ways on how to increase my site traffic. Submiting your site url to blog directory is one of the many ways. Using blog surfing program such as BlogMad, BlogExplosion and I just hope that someone will read my blog.
There are quite a number of affiliate program and advertising program that you can join.
When you introduce someone to certain service or products or program through your site, you can earn some commision from the program. This is called affiliate program. By selling out your site space for advertising purpose, you can earn some money as well.
Below are some of the program you can work on :
Text Link Ads
Google Adsense
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sell Your Creativity Here And Make Money Free !
Have you heard about CafePress ? At first when I came across this site, I thought it is another blogging site for bloggers to blog their thoughts down. But I was wrong.
You got your creative idea or artwork but do not know where to sell it ? CafePress is the place where you can sell your creative design and sell it on any printable materials.
T-Shirts, cups, hats,buttons, bags, posters and any printable and sellable items. You can make money by selling your creative design without even leaving from home. It is a good business idea for those who prefer a stay at home working environment.
I was so surprised when I found out that the site offer online shop for free ! All you have to do is go to CafePress, click on 'Start Selling Now' button and follow the instructions on the site.
For me it is a good internet business but I just do not have that kind of creative talent in my gene. If you got the creativity, why not use it to make money without leaving your house !
You got your creative idea or artwork but do not know where to sell it ? CafePress is the place where you can sell your creative design and sell it on any printable materials.
T-Shirts, cups, hats,buttons, bags, posters and any printable and sellable items. You can make money by selling your creative design without even leaving from home. It is a good business idea for those who prefer a stay at home working environment.
I was so surprised when I found out that the site offer online shop for free ! All you have to do is go to CafePress, click on 'Start Selling Now' button and follow the instructions on the site.
For me it is a good internet business but I just do not have that kind of creative talent in my gene. If you got the creativity, why not use it to make money without leaving your house !
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Increase Your Site Traffic !
Check out the latest traffic driven site by BlogMad team. This is one of the latest site traffic tool and it's going to drive your site traffic crazy !
You can check out here Exlinks .
Be the first to use it and see your traffic blow !
There are quite a number of ways to increase your site traffic and page ranking (PR). One of the method is to submit your site url to search engines mostly used.
Listed below are some of the sites that allows you to submit your site to most popular search engines :
You can check out here Exlinks .
Be the first to use it and see your traffic blow !
There are quite a number of ways to increase your site traffic and page ranking (PR). One of the method is to submit your site url to search engines mostly used.
Listed below are some of the sites that allows you to submit your site to most popular search engines :
超級可愛的寶寶 !
老公又在催我第二個寶寶了。想生又不想生的我﹐ 好矛盾。 重新開始照顧一個寶寶可不是那麼簡單的。
小柏也快四歲了﹐ 應該給他添個伴吧。有時候看他一個人玩蠻寂寞的。有時候鄰居家小朋友來﹐他會很開心的又叫又跳﹐喜喜哈哈的玩得很開心。他其實很喜歡小朋友﹐也很愛唱歌﹐看書﹐口很甜。
飲食計劃 ﹕
1) 每天一杯新鮮水果汁
2) 早﹑午﹑晚餐定時吃
3) 每天一杯牛奶或豆奶
4) 每天早上練習瑜迦 半小時至一小時 (6:00 am)
5) 每天定時起床(5﹕00 am)
6) 保持心情愈快﹑樂觀
7) 按摩
8) 聽聽音樂﹑看書
老公又在催我第二個寶寶了。想生又不想生的我﹐ 好矛盾。 重新開始照顧一個寶寶可不是那麼簡單的。
小柏也快四歲了﹐ 應該給他添個伴吧。有時候看他一個人玩蠻寂寞的。有時候鄰居家小朋友來﹐他會很開心的又叫又跳﹐喜喜哈哈的玩得很開心。他其實很喜歡小朋友﹐也很愛唱歌﹐看書﹐口很甜。
飲食計劃 ﹕
1) 每天一杯新鮮水果汁
2) 早﹑午﹑晚餐定時吃
3) 每天一杯牛奶或豆奶
4) 每天早上練習瑜迦 半小時至一小時 (6:00 am)
5) 每天定時起床(5﹕00 am)
6) 保持心情愈快﹑樂觀
7) 按摩
8) 聽聽音樂﹑看書
Thursday, September 21, 2006
天平座(又稱天秤座) ~約自9月24日至10月23日~
天平座可以說是十二星座中最投入社會生活的 星座,它象徵成人需要在世界舞台上占據自己地位的意義;進一步說,天平表現出人們要在世界上扮演充分被認知的各種角色。天平座的符徵為秤錘,強調在人生中 平衡的需欲。的確,對天平座而言,衡量各項選擇;有時候引發仔細思考後的意見,有時卻產生猶豫不決和不能確定。天平座要求對所有人事物公平對待,卻往往過 度批判且自以為是。天平展露的金星特質常為人賞識,這些特質包括感性、魅力、優雅、幽默和好脾氣等。
天平座寶寶之一 9/24~10/23
有 時候,天平小童會坐在清晨的燦爛陽光下,優雅地擾動著面前每一個湯碟中的小銀湯匙。然而,她只是優雅地把盆碗中的食物碾碎,卻無法決定先吃牛奶?雞蛋?或 先喝橘子汁?還是先吃蔬菜凍?她可以為了因下不了優雅的決定,乾脆放棄早餐。親愛的媽咪,建議您明天早上只要一次提供一樣選擇就好,當她慢慢細嚼一樣又一 樣,你會驚訝她竟然可以在十分鐘內用完一頓早餐。教導天平小孩的訣竅就是當她無法自己下決定時,作父母的要代她作聰明的決定。如果有什麼比這更糟的事,就 是催促她匆忙下決定。由於天平座小孩是如此優雅而天生麗質,所以她會專注地學好一件事,且當成是她的探險,慢慢把路摸熟,然後很快樂地走下去。
很 多人以為天平座是頑固的,其實不然。她必須持平而悠閒,步調不能亂;她要靠自己,而不是他人的干擾來下決定,小至哪隻腳該先穿什麼顏色的襪子,大至什麼時 候該上學,她都無法立刻決定。作父母的要多鼓勵,製造愉悅的氣氛,使她作出正確的決定;輕柔而不尖銳的鼓勵是天平寶寶心靈的最佳補劑。
很 多父母以為天平座孩子溫順的外表是一種堅強的象徵,實際上天平座是最不能被嚴厲催促或厲聲責罵的,否則他們長大後會更害怕下決定。最佳良方是用輕柔溫婉的 方式,一次又一次不斷地提醒孩子,最終孩子會鼓起勇氣,而父母算是幫了大忙,協助孩子度過性格上的最大難關。典型天平座對決定過程中的干擾,會採取情緒化 的反應。
天 平座的心靈一直在尋找真實和真理。他們心地善良,努力追求公平、公正;他討厭傷害別人的感覺,也不輕易判斷是非。天平座的謹慎個性,使得他避免意外傷害或 不必要的麻煩,現在及未來都是如此,所以他的心思是正面思考的。當他表現固執的一面時,就是周圍有了不協調的事物發生:如音樂太大聲、壁紙顏色不對等等; 他們喜歡沈靜的藍色線條、溫柔的音樂、美麗的衣著、精緻的食物等。他不希望看到殘暴的鏡頭,突然的噪音也會使他緊張。天平孩子需要安祥、寧靜,以及大量的 休息。
金 星是天平小童的守護神,她能使硬心腸軟化,所以天平座寶寶的態度深具魅力,沒有人能拒絕他們的微笑與酒窩。小天平溫柔又親密的態度能使父母變成精靈,允諾 他們的任何要求。所以,他們在親戚朋友間、在學校裏,都是受寵的小公主、小王子;他們不習慣於嚴苛的紀律,也不會容忍責罵。
只要能在安穩 良好的教養下,小天平會成為老師的寵兒。他們有聰慧而富邏輯的頭腦,且辯才無礙、充滿好奇心,是老師心中的好學生。一旦小天平開始認真學習,他絕不會滿足 於平淡的陳述:他總能舉一反三,而且替另外一方找到最好的解釋,以力求公平;他會把事實的真相推向極致,替正、反雙方找到正確的理由。天平的兩邊要永遠維 持平衡,不然天平座的心情就不得安寧。他會為某件事一直辯解,直到他心中那把秤的正義感得到伸張為止。
十月誕生的金童玉女總會使父母、老師的智慧 更形敏銳。因為,大人們會發現天平小孩是如此合乎邏輯又具有良好的思考習慣,真是「予豈好辯哉,予不得已也」。舉凡新聞事件到家中瑣事,他喜歡討論、辯明 事情;他不喜歡閒聊串門子,但擁有許多閨中密友,且會神聖化此類友人;他不急於作評斷,但是一旦認定事情狀況,就會堅持己見。
天 平玉女尤其喜歡媽媽的梳妝台,玩玩粉撲、戴戴耳環、偶爾打翻香水、泡在浴缸中一天不出來…,這些舉止都反映天平座金星維納斯愛美的傾向。等她再長大些,她 會霸占浴室,洗泡沫澡,用完所有新奇漂亮的肥皂。記得喲!她喜歡平和、溫馨、和諧、美好;對她而言,美麗就是和諧平衡的代名詞。小男孩則會成為書精,好比 律師通曉一切。
鼓勵天平男、女孩子寫作是一件重要的事,他們可依此散發內心的邏輯思辨專長。長大後,他們極為浪漫,且擁有許多瑰麗的初 戀;他們很多愁善感,但總會雨過天青。保持他們平衡、和諧、安祥是的家庭支柱所能提供最重要的支援;然後,他們會成為雄辯淘淘又溫馨可人的家庭美少年、美 少女。
天平座(又稱天秤座) ~約自9月24日至10月23日~
天平座可以說是十二星座中最投入社會生活的 星座,它象徵成人需要在世界舞台上占據自己地位的意義;進一步說,天平表現出人們要在世界上扮演充分被認知的各種角色。天平座的符徵為秤錘,強調在人生中 平衡的需欲。的確,對天平座而言,衡量各項選擇;有時候引發仔細思考後的意見,有時卻產生猶豫不決和不能確定。天平座要求對所有人事物公平對待,卻往往過 度批判且自以為是。天平展露的金星特質常為人賞識,這些特質包括感性、魅力、優雅、幽默和好脾氣等。
天平座寶寶之一 9/24~10/23
有 時候,天平小童會坐在清晨的燦爛陽光下,優雅地擾動著面前每一個湯碟中的小銀湯匙。然而,她只是優雅地把盆碗中的食物碾碎,卻無法決定先吃牛奶?雞蛋?或 先喝橘子汁?還是先吃蔬菜凍?她可以為了因下不了優雅的決定,乾脆放棄早餐。親愛的媽咪,建議您明天早上只要一次提供一樣選擇就好,當她慢慢細嚼一樣又一 樣,你會驚訝她竟然可以在十分鐘內用完一頓早餐。教導天平小孩的訣竅就是當她無法自己下決定時,作父母的要代她作聰明的決定。如果有什麼比這更糟的事,就 是催促她匆忙下決定。由於天平座小孩是如此優雅而天生麗質,所以她會專注地學好一件事,且當成是她的探險,慢慢把路摸熟,然後很快樂地走下去。
很 多人以為天平座是頑固的,其實不然。她必須持平而悠閒,步調不能亂;她要靠自己,而不是他人的干擾來下決定,小至哪隻腳該先穿什麼顏色的襪子,大至什麼時 候該上學,她都無法立刻決定。作父母的要多鼓勵,製造愉悅的氣氛,使她作出正確的決定;輕柔而不尖銳的鼓勵是天平寶寶心靈的最佳補劑。
很 多父母以為天平座孩子溫順的外表是一種堅強的象徵,實際上天平座是最不能被嚴厲催促或厲聲責罵的,否則他們長大後會更害怕下決定。最佳良方是用輕柔溫婉的 方式,一次又一次不斷地提醒孩子,最終孩子會鼓起勇氣,而父母算是幫了大忙,協助孩子度過性格上的最大難關。典型天平座對決定過程中的干擾,會採取情緒化 的反應。
天 平座的心靈一直在尋找真實和真理。他們心地善良,努力追求公平、公正;他討厭傷害別人的感覺,也不輕易判斷是非。天平座的謹慎個性,使得他避免意外傷害或 不必要的麻煩,現在及未來都是如此,所以他的心思是正面思考的。當他表現固執的一面時,就是周圍有了不協調的事物發生:如音樂太大聲、壁紙顏色不對等等; 他們喜歡沈靜的藍色線條、溫柔的音樂、美麗的衣著、精緻的食物等。他不希望看到殘暴的鏡頭,突然的噪音也會使他緊張。天平孩子需要安祥、寧靜,以及大量的 休息。
金 星是天平小童的守護神,她能使硬心腸軟化,所以天平座寶寶的態度深具魅力,沒有人能拒絕他們的微笑與酒窩。小天平溫柔又親密的態度能使父母變成精靈,允諾 他們的任何要求。所以,他們在親戚朋友間、在學校裏,都是受寵的小公主、小王子;他們不習慣於嚴苛的紀律,也不會容忍責罵。
只要能在安穩 良好的教養下,小天平會成為老師的寵兒。他們有聰慧而富邏輯的頭腦,且辯才無礙、充滿好奇心,是老師心中的好學生。一旦小天平開始認真學習,他絕不會滿足 於平淡的陳述:他總能舉一反三,而且替另外一方找到最好的解釋,以力求公平;他會把事實的真相推向極致,替正、反雙方找到正確的理由。天平的兩邊要永遠維 持平衡,不然天平座的心情就不得安寧。他會為某件事一直辯解,直到他心中那把秤的正義感得到伸張為止。
十月誕生的金童玉女總會使父母、老師的智慧 更形敏銳。因為,大人們會發現天平小孩是如此合乎邏輯又具有良好的思考習慣,真是「予豈好辯哉,予不得已也」。舉凡新聞事件到家中瑣事,他喜歡討論、辯明 事情;他不喜歡閒聊串門子,但擁有許多閨中密友,且會神聖化此類友人;他不急於作評斷,但是一旦認定事情狀況,就會堅持己見。
天 平玉女尤其喜歡媽媽的梳妝台,玩玩粉撲、戴戴耳環、偶爾打翻香水、泡在浴缸中一天不出來…,這些舉止都反映天平座金星維納斯愛美的傾向。等她再長大些,她 會霸占浴室,洗泡沫澡,用完所有新奇漂亮的肥皂。記得喲!她喜歡平和、溫馨、和諧、美好;對她而言,美麗就是和諧平衡的代名詞。小男孩則會成為書精,好比 律師通曉一切。
鼓勵天平男、女孩子寫作是一件重要的事,他們可依此散發內心的邏輯思辨專長。長大後,他們極為浪漫,且擁有許多瑰麗的初 戀;他們很多愁善感,但總會雨過天青。保持他們平衡、和諧、安祥是的家庭支柱所能提供最重要的支援;然後,他們會成為雄辯淘淘又溫馨可人的家庭美少年、美 少女。
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Daddy is Back !
Finally you daddy is back from Japan on last Saturday night, 16 Sept 2006. That Saturday night, when daddy arrived, you kept shouting 'Daddy Is Back ! Daddy Is Back & buy toys for me from Japan !'. Mummy was so suprised by your reaction.
You kept asking 'Daddy where is my present ?'. Daddy have bought you 2 Ultraman toys, 1 giant monster, 1 small robot , gift from daddy's friend and a pair of red color sport shoe ! You are such a lucky boy with so much toys !
Daddy bought mummy a pair of nice pink color shoe, very comfortable to wear on. Mummy love it much !
You kept asking 'Daddy where is my present ?'. Daddy have bought you 2 Ultraman toys, 1 giant monster, 1 small robot , gift from daddy's friend and a pair of red color sport shoe ! You are such a lucky boy with so much toys !
Daddy bought mummy a pair of nice pink color shoe, very comfortable to wear on. Mummy love it much !
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Justin Pre-School Experience
Today is 8th day of my son in school since 04 Sept 06. Now he eager to go to schoool every morning and started to tell me what he learn at school. What a great relieve for me ! Been worried about him last week since his 1st day at school :
Monday, 04 Sept 2006
I stayed with him for about 30 minutes in the school since he kept on crying. He kept looking for me and holding my hand while playing with the toys. Hmm....thinking maybe he is too attached to me. Not sure whether other moms also facing this kind of problems.
Tuesday, 05 Sept 2006
My sister son, Eugene also in the same class with Justin. So I asked him to play around with him in order to calm him down. With him for 15 minutes then I just went back. He kept on crying and said 'I want to find mummy'...But I have to left him to the teachers in the school. Luckily the teachers know how to calm him down...
Wednesday, 06 Sept 2006
He seems quite ok already. After wake up, no more crying. And I tried not to mention about the school to him, afraid that he will cry again. But he knows that I am going to send him to school. Actually he enjoy the school much just that I am not around him. He kept asking be to stay with him when I drive him to school.
After 4 days, my son knows that I am going to fetch him after school. So every morning he will ask me to go back after I sent him to school. He started to walk himself in to the school and say good morning to the teachers. It's a great progress for him.
Monday, 04 Sept 2006
I stayed with him for about 30 minutes in the school since he kept on crying. He kept looking for me and holding my hand while playing with the toys. Hmm....thinking maybe he is too attached to me. Not sure whether other moms also facing this kind of problems.
Tuesday, 05 Sept 2006
My sister son, Eugene also in the same class with Justin. So I asked him to play around with him in order to calm him down. With him for 15 minutes then I just went back. He kept on crying and said 'I want to find mummy'...But I have to left him to the teachers in the school. Luckily the teachers know how to calm him down...
Wednesday, 06 Sept 2006
He seems quite ok already. After wake up, no more crying. And I tried not to mention about the school to him, afraid that he will cry again. But he knows that I am going to send him to school. Actually he enjoy the school much just that I am not around him. He kept asking be to stay with him when I drive him to school.
After 4 days, my son knows that I am going to fetch him after school. So every morning he will ask me to go back after I sent him to school. He started to walk himself in to the school and say good morning to the teachers. It's a great progress for him.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Lead A Nature Walk
Have you ever wonder to bring your kids to have a walk close to nature ? Whether it is a big or small garden, a park, reservation forest or even just a nearby neighborhood garden, it helps to open their eyes to our natural world around us.
A walk close to nature can teach or show the kids about life and nature around us. Moreover it is an activity without any cost or money, just your petrol fee if the place quite a distance.
They can learn how to appreciate mother nature and at the same time you can teach them about birds, trees, leaves, twigs, sky, soil, mushroom, flowers and even you can let them touch those tiny little insects or bugs living in the grass fields or trees. It is a great outdoor activity for the kids !
Kids nowadays spend most of their time watching TV, playing computer games or immerse themselves in activities without much social interaction. My 3 year old son also the same, stick to the TV most of the time besides playing with his toys. So I keep thinking about ways how to make him not too attach to the TV. I ask myself what will attract him most ?
Since my son is only 3 years old, so I guess he must be very curious, eager to explore and see new things. So one weekend both of us drove to a nearby garden and we have our first nature walk there. He felt very happy and I showed him the trees, rocks, leaves, twigs, birds, dragonflies, grasses. Since then he always looking forward to the garden. He likes the tadpole the most. Every time he will take a branch stick and try to play with the tadpole. It is a great outdoor activity for my son and I finally find my way !
We likes to play some games as well on the field. We always play a game called mushroom hunt, see who can spot a mushroom first. Or counting how many flowers on a tree, looking at how the ants moving around. You can ask your kids to listen to birds chirping, wind whistling and others nature sounds as well. I am sure they love to hear it !
You can organize a ‘Family Nature Walk’ in your neighborhood area as well since most kids like playmates or partners. You can socialize with parents nearby and at the same time sharing parenting tips or problems together.
I came across The Children’s Nature Institute site and it’s really attracted my attention. It is a non-profit organization and has provided innovative environmental education programs for more than 250,000 young children, parents and teachers in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, US. Although the institute is not in Malaysia, but it is a good example for us to follow and we can learn from them and organize one.
‘ Our mission is to educate young children through interactive experiences with nature, and to inspire a sense of respect and responsibility for the natural environment.’
The Children’s Nature Institute
Let Your Kids Back To Nature Today !
A walk close to nature can teach or show the kids about life and nature around us. Moreover it is an activity without any cost or money, just your petrol fee if the place quite a distance.
They can learn how to appreciate mother nature and at the same time you can teach them about birds, trees, leaves, twigs, sky, soil, mushroom, flowers and even you can let them touch those tiny little insects or bugs living in the grass fields or trees. It is a great outdoor activity for the kids !
Kids nowadays spend most of their time watching TV, playing computer games or immerse themselves in activities without much social interaction. My 3 year old son also the same, stick to the TV most of the time besides playing with his toys. So I keep thinking about ways how to make him not too attach to the TV. I ask myself what will attract him most ?
Since my son is only 3 years old, so I guess he must be very curious, eager to explore and see new things. So one weekend both of us drove to a nearby garden and we have our first nature walk there. He felt very happy and I showed him the trees, rocks, leaves, twigs, birds, dragonflies, grasses. Since then he always looking forward to the garden. He likes the tadpole the most. Every time he will take a branch stick and try to play with the tadpole. It is a great outdoor activity for my son and I finally find my way !
We likes to play some games as well on the field. We always play a game called mushroom hunt, see who can spot a mushroom first. Or counting how many flowers on a tree, looking at how the ants moving around. You can ask your kids to listen to birds chirping, wind whistling and others nature sounds as well. I am sure they love to hear it !
You can organize a ‘Family Nature Walk’ in your neighborhood area as well since most kids like playmates or partners. You can socialize with parents nearby and at the same time sharing parenting tips or problems together.
I came across The Children’s Nature Institute site and it’s really attracted my attention. It is a non-profit organization and has provided innovative environmental education programs for more than 250,000 young children, parents and teachers in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, US. Although the institute is not in Malaysia, but it is a good example for us to follow and we can learn from them and organize one.
‘ Our mission is to educate young children through interactive experiences with nature, and to inspire a sense of respect and responsibility for the natural environment.’
The Children’s Nature Institute
Let Your Kids Back To Nature Today !
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
One Month Without Daddy's Presence
Last Saturday night my husband departed to Japan for business. He will be there for 1 month. And my little son started to miss him a lot.
[Written On Behalf Of My Son, Justin]
My dad went to Japan last Saturday. That Saturday night I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe the weather too hot or I missed him too much. While laying on bed with my mum, I have asked my mum some questions :
Me : Mummy, can I drive your car to find daddy ?
Mum : You cannot drive car to find your daddy honey. Japan is far far away from here
. You only can go there by aeroplane.
Me : Is daddy coming back tonight ?
Mum : No honey, your dad is going to Japan for 1 month. I will show you when daddy
will come back on the calendar.
Me : Mummy, I feel like want to cry without daddy's presence.....
Mum : My dear, mummy is here for you. Daddy will be back soon. OK ?
Me : OK. I want to listen to some story or can you sing a song for me ?
Mum : Once upon a time.....
Trying my best to make him feel not so lonely, I sent him to my mum's house so at least his cousin & niece can accompany him. He enjoyed the time with them. I am glad that he made it. He likes to be surrounded by lots of friends and he enjoy those fun time together.
Taking bath together with them, playing water sprinkle, running in the garden here and there, feeding fishes, digging sand, jumping around, screaming .....that's how he enjoy himself.
Children like to play a lot, my son too. That's how they learn...
I am so grateful to be blessed with such a playful, loving and understanding child.
May all the children in this world surrounded with love, happiness and kindness !
[Written On Behalf Of My Son, Justin]
My dad went to Japan last Saturday. That Saturday night I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe the weather too hot or I missed him too much. While laying on bed with my mum, I have asked my mum some questions :
Me : Mummy, can I drive your car to find daddy ?
Mum : You cannot drive car to find your daddy honey. Japan is far far away from here
. You only can go there by aeroplane.
Me : Is daddy coming back tonight ?
Mum : No honey, your dad is going to Japan for 1 month. I will show you when daddy
will come back on the calendar.
Me : Mummy, I feel like want to cry without daddy's presence.....
Mum : My dear, mummy is here for you. Daddy will be back soon. OK ?
Me : OK. I want to listen to some story or can you sing a song for me ?
Mum : Once upon a time.....
Trying my best to make him feel not so lonely, I sent him to my mum's house so at least his cousin & niece can accompany him. He enjoyed the time with them. I am glad that he made it. He likes to be surrounded by lots of friends and he enjoy those fun time together.
Taking bath together with them, playing water sprinkle, running in the garden here and there, feeding fishes, digging sand, jumping around, screaming .....that's how he enjoy himself.
Children like to play a lot, my son too. That's how they learn...
I am so grateful to be blessed with such a playful, loving and understanding child.
May all the children in this world surrounded with love, happiness and kindness !
Friday, August 11, 2006
Oops ! Watch Out For Your Weight !
It's Friday ! Another week goes by. Tood bad this week gain too much weight, near to 47 kg already. Nope ! Nope ! Need to control my diet already, if not I am going to cry !
No more fried food, reduce bread intake, more fruits and exercise !
No more fried food, reduce bread intake, more fruits and exercise !
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Freelance Work
Just got an update from my 'boss' last week that I need to work on a new project starting from next Monday. Yes, besides my routine job, I work as freelance programmer/system developer as well. I also works as freelance translator for Malay Language, English, Chinese.
Next few weeks will be tough for me I guess. Need to brush up abit on my brain.
Java: Hello World !
Rusty Brain : Do I Know You ?
Java : Yes, my friend. We have been in a intimate relationship for some time.
Rusty Brain : Really ?
Java : We have been seeing each other for 4 years, day and night making dream together.
Rusty Brain : I guess I am getting older now. Need someone to give me a push or knock..
Servlet : Hi guys ! I am here too..
Java : Hi friend, glad you are here. Help me to wake my friend here..
Cheers To the Great Reunion !
Next few weeks will be tough for me I guess. Need to brush up abit on my brain.
Java: Hello World !
Rusty Brain : Do I Know You ?
Java : Yes, my friend. We have been in a intimate relationship for some time.
Rusty Brain : Really ?
Java : We have been seeing each other for 4 years, day and night making dream together.
Rusty Brain : I guess I am getting older now. Need someone to give me a push or knock..
Servlet : Hi guys ! I am here too..
Java : Hi friend, glad you are here. Help me to wake my friend here..
Cheers To the Great Reunion !
Angel In My Heart
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Still Trying To Survive Between Work And Parenting
I made up the decision to leave my 9 to 5 office work and being a stay at home mum when my friend offered me an oppoturnity to work from home. I was getting quite tired everyday since I need to travel quite a long distance to the office and at the same time I am looking for something different. Yes ! I am not a person that perform well under pressure or I totally don't like it at all. I need to find a balance between well being and work. That is my philosophy of life - enjoy or relax while working. So the offer match my need and I just grab it ! Thanks to my friend too !
So that's how I started my journey as working from home mum. Well, I married at the age of 26, considered quite young among Chinese society. I gave birth to my first son, Justin on 12 Oct 2003.
He is a lovely boy and I love him very much. So this blog is dedicated to him too.
I considered myself patient enough to look after him but sometimes I do lost my temper too. He is 3 years old now and being very active all the time ! My approach in educating a child is just let them do whatever they want to do since they are still kids and full of curiosity. So I let him explore whatever around him. Banging on things, tearing papers, drawing, painting. But sometimes rules are needed as well.
One thing we noticed recently was he is started to showing his good manners like saying 'Thank you' everytime people give him things, say 'Please' when asking for something. He even know how to say 'Sorry' when bump on someone ! Great progress for him.
I think it all starts from the parent themself on how to teach the child good things. You yourself need to take the first step and show the right manners yourself in order to let your child follows.
So education starts from family not school sound quite true to me ! :>
Today's Health Tips - Green Tea
Great tip to share with you all. Next time when you having any fever, flu or cough, try to take some green tea with a dry plum. Good to clean out the heats from your body and it really works !
I have tried this many time and hope it works for you too !
Have a nice and healthy day !
I have tried this many time and hope it works for you too !
Have a nice and healthy day !
Monday, August 07, 2006
How To Make Good Money Through Your Blog Site
I came across this site while looking through some blogs :
You can find lots of useful tips on online money making, ,blogging tips, tech news and computing sharing. It's owned by a local Bintulu, Malaysia guy who getting married soon ..haha..Happy Wedding !
Good resources for 1st blogger like me ! :>
I spend most of the time online as require by my work. It has been 1 year since I changed my job. Now trying to looking for something EXTRA that can help me to earn EXTRA $$ while working from home.
Anyone who interested or have some good tips to share, you are welcome to post some comments as well here.
Thank you.
You can find lots of useful tips on online money making, ,blogging tips, tech news and computing sharing. It's owned by a local Bintulu, Malaysia guy who getting married soon ..haha..Happy Wedding !
Good resources for 1st blogger like me ! :>
I spend most of the time online as require by my work. It has been 1 year since I changed my job. Now trying to looking for something EXTRA that can help me to earn EXTRA $$ while working from home.
Anyone who interested or have some good tips to share, you are welcome to post some comments as well here.
Thank you.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Solutions For A Happy Life
Came across this short article on NST yesterday. Interesting article on how to be happy with your life in more spiritual way. Read on...
WHAT is spirituality ? Many people are asking this question because it has become increasingly obvious that some method is needed to face the various crises of modern life, especially on a personal level.
Many are looking to spirituality as a means of finding an understanding or a solutions which cna help them create a happier life.
Spirituality is the universal awareness of myself as a unique eternal being with the inner resources to enable me to live life creatively and meaningfully.
It gives me the realisation that I cannot depend on external curcumstances and people for my own stability.
We cannot expect love, peace and happiness from others but we need to develop these qualities in ourselves.
To know myself and to share selflessly is my gift to the world. No on e and nothing can create a permanent state of well-being in me. The external can contribute, guide and inspire but ultimately, life is what I make of it.
As long as I am dependent on the external sources for my happiness, there is very chance that I will be disappointed.
True happiness is that which comes from within. It is to enjoy and cherish each moment. When I am able to be happy, my happiness automatically spreads to others too -- By Bridget Menezes (counsellor, Brahma Kumaris)
Thought for reflection :
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of charity.
Hope you enjoy your life and find your happiness all the way.
Many are looking to spirituality as a means of finding an understanding or a solutions which cna help them create a happier life.
Spirituality is the universal awareness of myself as a unique eternal being with the inner resources to enable me to live life creatively and meaningfully.
It gives me the realisation that I cannot depend on external curcumstances and people for my own stability.
We cannot expect love, peace and happiness from others but we need to develop these qualities in ourselves.
To know myself and to share selflessly is my gift to the world. No on e and nothing can create a permanent state of well-being in me. The external can contribute, guide and inspire but ultimately, life is what I make of it.
As long as I am dependent on the external sources for my happiness, there is very chance that I will be disappointed.
True happiness is that which comes from within. It is to enjoy and cherish each moment. When I am able to be happy, my happiness automatically spreads to others too -- By Bridget Menezes (counsellor, Brahma Kumaris)
Thought for reflection :
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of charity.
Hope you enjoy your life and find your happiness all the way.
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